Wisdom Highway


A few cities around the world witnessed the birth of these words, which were called metaphorically wisdoms for the similarity that the context reflects in form and not necessarily in substance.

The wisdoms that have been persistently cast on the roads of our lives have not always made going through those roads easy and fast as it was hoped by those who received these wisdoms out of the audience; thus, there is no purpose for my words in this book more sublime than to make life’s journey of one easier and more comfortable.

Wisdom Highway is a book for those who still value reading as a useful knowledge and pleasure tool in life.



Deep reflection is not necessarily associated with complex or slow thinking;
rather it is a smart, deliberate response to life around you by giving yourself
the opportunity to move beyond the first response—which is often reactive
and emotive—to any situation or idea you encounter, whether on a practical,
emotional or even imaginary level.

Deep” reinforces the tendency to think deeply and positively on these various
topics: facing troublemakers, dealing with pain, personal financial issues,
gastronomy, reading, criticizing, inspiring, and feeling always good to go.

The reader will find in this book the inspiration to look at life with great
confidence and positivity in dealing with the constant challenges, and those
who love reading specifically will find “Deep” a pure pleasure to read.

Stubborn in Love


I constantly mention that I resigned from the kingdom of poetry, but I am
definitely still bound in the castle of love in all its forms. The forms of love are
variable, unlike what the lovers might admit, and the two most prominent
forms of love are intense eagerness and deep intimacy.

It is my great luck that I did not abandon one of these two forms throughout
my relationship with my beloved, to whom I have picked every single piece
of this bouquet of poems.



Inspiration is not limited to writers, artists, and creators. Inspiration is
within everyone’s reach.

We all draw inspiration and inspire others, even if we don’t realize it.

This book will help you to value inspiration as a necessary and useful
process for your life, and to recognize the influence of the inspiration
that affects you spontaneously and the inspiration you should strive for.



To criticize does not mean to comment on what you do not like. Criticism
is a deep experience of tasting everything around you, not just judging
things as good or bad.

If you are someone who doesn’t pay much attention to criticism in
life, this book aims to inspire you to appreciate the value of criticism. If
you tend to be overly critical, the book aims to inspire you with a more
balanced and in-depth approach to criticism.

When deep, balanced criticism becomes a spontaneous practice
for you, you go beyond standing on what you previously considered
annoying, and your appreciation of the value of life around you deepens.



Reading Pocket will help you to better understand and deal with your
financial reality, regardless of whether you are a spendthrift or a frugal person.
The challenges of money lie not only in controlling overspending but also
in getting rid of the obsession with thrift.



Reading should not be just a mission. Reading is pleasure.

This book aims to make your relationship with books, and reading in
general, one that goes beyond the mere desire to hurry to finish a heavy
task, or even the aspiration toward cognitive benefit, to the pure love
of reading.

When you reconcile with reading and love it, all its desired benefits
will flow to you on their own.



This book aims primarily to inspire gastronomy and cooking passion within
you, whatever your inclinations and skills in this regard.

Cooking, and food in particular, are of course indispensable for anyone.
There are countless entryways to explore the splendor of gastronomy and
to develop and enrich cooking skills and experiences.

Read Cuisine and create your own experience for a richer and more
passionate relationship with cuisine.


Life Painkillers


This book inspires you how to face problems as continuous challenges and how to be
constantly prepared to deal with the problem as it appears in any form at any time.

Life Painkillers reveals how it is possible to move beyond the idea of the eternal solution
and final treatment in favor of the principle of not despairing of continuous attempts
to reach the best possible solutions to recurring and newly created problems alike.

You Are Always Good to Go


You Are Always Good to Go attempts primarily to ensure that there is always
something positive you could do, even in the toughest times, rather than just
getting annoyed or sitting helpless.

Hopefully, you will get inspired on how to go positively under different
circumstances that commonly look difficult and frustrating. You will realize
that there are positive actions easy to do while you are waiting, hesitant, afraid,
or even deciding to give it a break.

Facing Troublemakers


No book could promise and fulfill the promise of playing the role of a magic wand crowning you with victory in every conflict arena in work or social life. Facing Troublemakers is not a magic wand in turn, but it will undoubtedly provide you with ideas that will inspire you deeply, not only with regard to direct business conflicts but also in dealing with life problems as a whole.

The book contains hundreds of ideas opening your insight to absolutely new horizons, as well as other areas of experience you might probably came across without getting enough inspiration.

Facing Troublemakers will make you able dealing with conflicts your own way, without the need necessarily to exhaust your mind studying dozens of references or joining plenty of training courses on how to manage and resolve conflicts.

Damn the Novel


It is time to extend your reading arena outside the novel and narrative fiction. Life is profound and gorgeous; it deserves to be experienced beyond fantasy!

Damn the Novel is an overt condemnation of all forms of privilege granted to a literary genre over other writing genres. Though Damn the Novel could be perceived as a vociferous cry against the novel per se, it is actually an objective view against the process of perpetuating the delusion that the novel specifically, and narrative fiction in general, should inevitably be the most dominating and influential literary trend.

This book offers an exciting and challenging reading experience, through which the reader will be able to realize that it is time for literature to embrace a fresh literary atmosphere in which all genres are granted equality to get the same chance to flourish in total freedom without any literary sponsorship.

